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    Can Drinking Caffeine Really Extend Your Lifespan?

    Home / Novità / Can Drinking Caffeine Really Extend Your Lifespan?

    Portoguese studies showed a relation between caffeine consumption and cause mortality: drinking coffee may prolong the lifespan of patiens with chronic kidney disease (CKD).

    People who had the highest intake of coffee drinking caffeine had 24% per cent lower risks of dying, dropping to 22% and 12% based on consumption percentages

    This result suggest that advising patients with CKD to drink caffeine may reduce their mortality. “A beneficial, simple and inexpensive option”, says Miguel Bigotte Vieria From Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte in Portogallo “that should be confirmed in clinical trials”.

    The team examined the association of drinking caffeine contained in espresso coffee with mortality among 2328 patients with CKD.

    The results will be presented at the ASN Kidney Week 2017 in New Orleans:the study cannot prove that caffeine reduces the risk of death in patiens with CKD, but only suggests the possible protective effect.

    Drinking coffee like an espresso can also reduce diabetes risk, claims another research of the American Chemical Society Journal of Natural Products.


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