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    Month: enero 2018

    Home / Archive for enero, 2018

    What You Need to Know About the Upcoming UK Tax on Coffee Cups

      24.01.2018   promoit   Noticias   No comments

    Plastic is a plague on the planet and most of the coffee cups are plastic made. According to the UN Environment Program, every year 8 million tons plastic waste end

    How to Grow Coffee Plants at Home?

      22.01.2018   promoit   Noticias   No comments

    You want to grow a plant of coffee grains in your own home, or in your garden? Here is the plan that’s right for you and how to make it

    How Can Astronauts Drink Coffee In Space?

      17.01.2018   promoit   Noticias   No comments

    Is possible drink coffee? The answer is Yes! Our astronauts should not abandon the espresso even during an expedition in space. After 32 months on the International Space Station (ISS),

    How Drinking Espresso Coffee Can Help Prevent Hypertension

      15.01.2018   promoit   Noticias   No comments

    MILAN – A research conducted by the University of Naples tells us that more than three cups of espresso coffee a day have a protective effect on cardiovascular health. The

    The Impact of Climate Change on Coffee and Bees

      12.01.2018   promoit   Noticias   No comments

    Espresso is in danger: Global warming threatens up to 88% of Latin American plantations of coffee. Indeed, studies have shown that climate change is likely to affect agriculture: changes in

    The Stunning Cappuccino Art of Kazuki Yamamoto

      10.01.2018   promoit   Noticias   No comments

    If best baristas make small drawings with cappuccino foam, the 26 year old Japanese Kazuki Yamamoto has made this tradition an art. Known as “the cappuccino 3D artist”, he specialized

    How Coffee Consumption Can Lower the Risk of Death

      9.01.2018   promoit   Noticias   No comments

    An observational study conducted in the United States involving close to 20,000 individuals reveals that drinking coffee can considerably reduce risk of early Death. Those who consume at least 4

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